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Snowplow Tibren SES Kit

Unfortunately, snow is inevitable and as winter approaches, the weighty snowplow is getting dusted. Luckily, the Timbren SES kit is going to protect you and your vehicle this winter.

Snowplows are heavy and damaging. When attached, the snowplow hangs in front of the axle causing the front end of the truck to sag and squat. This causes extra stress on the front suspension and axle. The undistributed weight poses a risk for car damage and reduced break function. Combine that with unsafe weather conditions and snowplowing becomes a dangerous chore.

Installing a Timbren SES kit is a simple fix and installation is a breeze. The kit is placed on the front suspension to correct the front-end sag caused by snowplow’s undistributed weight. Refer to the Instructions for Use for more information about the installation process.

Without the extra stress on the suspension and brakes, a truck is guaranteed to avoid costly repairs. Snowplowing can be a bumpy ride, but with the help of the Timbren SES kit the process couldn’t be smoother. If you’re ready to see what Timbren SES solutions can do for your operations, contact us today.