I am a technical communicator that uses several types of technologies to solve problems and develop documentation. Click any of the headings to learn more.

I have learned how to code and develop content in XML to create basic outputs. I took a translation and localization course at Portland State that taught me how to leverage XML files to XLIFF for a quicker translation process. Most of my projects that reflect this knowledge are restricted or classified.

Adobe Suite
Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign

Confluence (Jira / Atlassian)
At Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU), I migrated 300+ articles from Common Spot to Confluence. These articles included content such as help and how to articles. The articles were linked to populate the Jira ticketing page so that user can troubleshoot on their own. I also helped migrate all photos into a graphics library so that all images can be updated autonomously.

MadCap Flare
I also have a thorough understand of CMSs and how they improve collaboration and sharing and make content updates easy to implement.

Office 365
I have years of experience using Microsoft products: Office 365 (Word, Excel, Office365, Outlook, PowerPoint). While working for Willamette Cultural Resources, I was editing massive archaeological documents and reports that needed to be in a specific style. For edits I used track changes and DropBox. I used an internal built-in style guide to format documents and prepare them for publication.